Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013


Bargaining or haggling is a type of negotiation in which the buyer and seller of a good or service dispute the price which will be paid and the exact nature of the transaction that will take place, and eventually come to an agreement.
Bargaining is an alternative pricing strategy to fixed prices. Optimally, if it costs the retailer nothing to engage and allow bargaining, he can divine the buyer’s willingness to spend. It allows for capturing more consumer surplus as it allows price discrimination, a process whereby a seller can charge a higher price to one buyer who is more eager (by being richer or more desperate). Haggling has largely disappeared in parts of the world where the cost to haggle exceeds the gain to retailers for most common retail items. However, for expensive goods sold to uninformed buyers such as automobiles, bargaining can remain commonplace.
Answer the following questions orally :
— Do you like to go shopping?
— Where do you usually go shopping?
— When do you usually go to shopping?
 —What do you usually buy?
— How do you pay for the purchase?
— Do you ever use a credit card?

Now, practice expressions used in bergaining / shopping :
—Is there any discount?
—What about Rp. 50.000,- for each book?
—Can you make it for $ 1 ?
—What  about 20% off?
—How about Rp. 10.000,- per kilogram?

Example :
Shopkeeper    : Good morning madam. How can I help you?
—Customer       : I want to buy a beautiful frock for my daughter.
—Shopkeeper    : How old is she?
—Customer       : She is 2 years old.
—Shopkeeper    : Do you want causal or party wear.
—Customer       : I want party wear.
—Shopkeeper    : Do you want any particular colour?
—Customer       : No, but the frock must be very attractive. Show me only the latest stuff.
—Shopkeeper    : Do not worry madam. We have latest stock. Which size do you want?
—Customer       : I do not have an idea about the size.
—Shopkeeper    : No problem. See this frock. I think this size will be ok for her.
—Customer       : Yes, I also think so. Do you have black colour in it?
—Shopkeeper    : Yes, we do have.
—Customer       : What is its prize?
—Shopkeeper    : It is of 2000 Rs.
—Customer       : It is too expensive. I will give you only 1500 Rs.
—Shokeeper      : We are charging reasonably from you.
—Customer       : I will not give you more than 1500 Rs.
—Shopkeeper    : Ok. If you are insisting, give 1800 Rs.
—Customer       : No. You are over charging.
—Shopkeeper    : Now I have left my profit. Give me 1700 Rs.
—Customer       : I am giving you 1600 Rs.
—Shopkeeper    : You won. Give the money.
—Customer       : Pack the frock in a nice box.
—Shopkeeper    : Here it is your bag.
—Customer       : Thank you.
—Shopkeeper    : Thanks for shopping here. Have a nice day.

Giving and Responding to Invitation
Giving and Responding to Invitation Giving invitation is an expression that is disclosed when there is someone who wants to ask other person to come to a place or when there is someone who asks others to do something for him/her. 

Expression giving and responding invitation
Giving Invitation
Responding Invitation
Would you like to.....?
e.q.: Would you like to come to my party?
I’d like to
I’d love to but....
e.q.: I’d love to but I have a lot of homework.
Would you mind joining us to.....?
e.q. : Would you mind joining us to go to Bali?
I would. Thank you.
I wish I could but....
e.q. : I wish I could but I have to see the            doctor.
Shall we...?
e.q. : Shall we go to the cinema together?
That would be nice
Thank you for asking me, but....
e.q.: Thank you for asking me, but I don’t have enough money.
What about.... ?
e.q. :What about having dinner in Shangrilla Hotel?
Wondeful/ Great
I’m sorry but I think I can’t.
Why don’t we..?
e.q. ; Why don’t we go to the zoo?
All right
Sorry, I can’t. But thanks anyway.

Example :
Arif  : Hi, Tika.
Tika  : Hi, Arif. What’s up friend?
Arif  : Hmmm, are you doing anything for next week?
Tika  : Nothing. Why?
Arif  : Hmm, like you know, next week we will have summer vacation to
Bali and I think that I need you to be my date. Would you mind to come along with me?
Tika  : Really? I’d love it so much.
Arif  : Well, I will pick you at 7 a.m next week at school.
Tika  : OK. Thanks Arif.
Arif  : You’re welcome. Bye Tika and see you next week.
Tika  : See you, too. Bye-bye.

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Budaya hidup sehat merupakan sebuah konsep kehidupan dengan mengutamakan berbagai kegiatan hidup yang berbasis pada langkah-langkah sehat. Jika tubuh kita sehat, maka segala kegiatan dalam hidup kita dapat kita laksanakan dengan baik. Hal tersebut dapat tercapai jika pengertian budaya hidup sehat sudah melekat dan menjadi bagian penting dalam diri kita. Pengertian Pola Hidup Sehat adalah suatu gaya hidup dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor tertentu yang memengaruhi kesehatan, antara lain makanan dan olahraga. Beberapa gaya hidup yang dapat merusak kesehatan Anda: Untuk memperoleh tubuh yang sehat, tidak harus dengan pola hidup yang serba mahal. Semua dapat diperoleh dengan mudah dan murah. Hidup sehat harus diawali dengan perubahan yang kecil terlebih dahulu. Pengertian Gaya Hidup – Gaya hidup menurut Kotler (2002, p. 192) adalah pola hidup seseorang di dunia yang iekspresikan dalam aktivitas, minat, dan opininya. Secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai suatu gaya hidup yang dikenali dengan bagaimana orang menghabiskan waktunya (aktivitas), apa yang penting orang pertimbangkan pada lingkungan (minat), dan apa yang orang pikirkan tentang diri sendiri dan dunia di sekitar (opini). Selain itu, gaya hidup menurut Suratno dan Rismiati (2001, p. 174) adalah pola hidup seseorang dalam dunia kehidupan sehari-hari yang dinyatakan dalam kegiatan, minat dan pendapat yang bersangkutan. Gaya hidup mencerminkan keseluruhan pribadi yang berinteraksi dengan lingkungan. Dari berbagai di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaya hidup adalah pola hidup seseorang yang dinyatakan dalam kegiatan, minat dan pendapatnya dalam membelanjakan uangnya dan bagaimana mengalokasikan waktu. Psikografik adalah pengukuran kuantitatifgaya hidup, kepribadian dan demografik konsumen. Psikografik memuat beberapa pernyataan yang menggambarkan kegiatan, minat dan pendapat konsumen. 3. Studi yang menggunakan kepribadian ciri sebagai faktor yang menjelaskan, menganalisis kaitan beberapa variabel dengan kepribadian ciri, misalnya kepribadian ciri yang mana yang sangat terkait dengan konsumen yang sangat memperhatikan masalah lingkungan.